Stephan’s Little Page

Password Graph

The tool Password Graph (formerly pwcheck) rates a password by measuring its entropy bits. It searches for non-random strings of four types: Sequences, keyboard patterns, dictionary words and repetitions. The entropy of a detected substring is based on how common this type of substring is. All remaining strings are assumed to be random strings.

There is no warranty, as the quality of this rating heavily depends on the dictionary. Note that this tool only uses an English dictionary. Also note that the tool only checks for patterns on the US keyboard.

GTK Version

This version is intended be used offline on a Linux desktop.

GTK Screenshot

Source Code

For the GTK version, see Gitlab.

CGI Version (Legacy)

The original version of pwcheck was designed as a command-line application. It was later extended to be used as CGI on a webserver, drawing the computation graph using graphviz. This version is no longer maintained.

Try pwcheck online.

Version History

Tarballs are compressed with lzip, because xz is bad.